[free download] Felix & Volcano "Got Luv Fer Now" + goodbye to Sam the Intern
So today is the last day in the office for our beloved summer music intern, SAM UEDA (the dude up there on the left). The University of New Hampshire incoming junior caught our attention back in March, when his fancy resume, cute school newspaper clips, and indie rock ambition were enough for him to reach the final hurdle in securing a glorious and exciting summer internship here at the Phoenix: the mixtape stage. He was asked to make us a mix, and the lone requirement was that it had to include "cool new shit, reflective of the applicant's tastes."
His mix included MMOSS, tUnE-YarDs, Yohuna, and Cults (hey, it was March) and so it was good enough to land him the gig. Over the past few months he's supplied numerous music reports, recaps, and video from Boston's club circuit and underground house show and basement scene, harassed a few touring acts coming to town, and contributed mightily to our annual 50 Bands 50 States feature, finding emerging greatness in the musical hotbeds of West Virginia, New Mexico and Indiana.
We'll miss him as he goes back to school, but we expect he'll continue to contribute to the Phoenix and give us updates on all the boring shit that goes on regularly up in New Hampshire.
Since he's too young to drink (so we can't buy him booze as a going-away gift) and taking him out to lunch is so business-casual '90s (he might even be vegan but not sure) we're going to send him off by posting and hyping the hot new dance jam from his band, FELIX AND VOLCANO. "Got Luv Fer Now" was recorded live in one take in the living room of his summer residence, the Haunted Casino in Allston, and apparently was inspired by youthful party rage and King Cobra Malt Liquor (because he's read about it and/or heard stories from above-age friends, not actually tasted it).
Download the track for free off Bandcamp, and tune in to WFNX's Boston Accents on Sunday ay 8pm, where we'll play it early on in the show. It's the best thing the Rapture has done in years. (Just kidding -- it rules.)
Bye Sam, have fun in school. Send us a postcard.