James Blake is at the House of Blues on May 8
On Sale Now
Abakus | February
21 at Brighton Music Hall | $13 | ticketmaster.com
Ghost Thrower +
Foreign Tongues + Sainthood Reps | February 24 at Great Scott | $10 |
Zedd | February
27 at the House of Blues | $36-$49.50 | livenation.com
The Orwells |
February 27 at T.T. the Bear's Place| $10 | ticketweb.com
Vintage Trouble |
March 5 at T.T. the Bear's Place| $12 | ticketweb.com
Ryan Leslie |
March 14 at the Sinclair | $22.50 | boweryboston.com
Paddy Saul + Will
Dailey + Bow Thayer + Jeff Berlin | March 15 at the Sinclair | $15 | boweryboston.com
Crushed Out + New
Highway Hymnal + Thunderbloods | March 21 at T.T. the Bear's Place | $8 | ticketweb.com
Kip Moore | March 23 at
the House of Blues | $20-$35 | livenation.com
Guillermo Sexo +
Young Adults + Bent Shapes + Creaturos | March 29 at T.T. the Bear's
Place | $9 | ticketweb.com
Allison Weiss +
Pentimento + Candy Hearts + Maura | April 3 at Great Scott | $10 | ticketweb.com
Ozomatli |
April 4 at the Middle East downstairs | $25 | ticketweb.com
The View |
April 5 at Brighton
Music Hall | $12 | ticketmaster.com
Lydia + From Indian
Lakes + Sweet Talker | April 6
at Brighton Music Hall | $13 | ticketmaster.com
The Cave Singers |
April 7 at Brighton
Music Hall | $14 | ticketmaster.com
VirginMarys | April 8 at Great Scott | $9 | ticketweb.com
Wavves + Fidlar +
Cheatahs | April 8 at Brighton
Music Hall | $17 | ticketmaster.com
Los Amigos Invisibles |
April 9 at Paradise Rock Club | $20 | ticketmaster.com
Bonobo +
Nickodemus | April 13 at Paradise Rock Club | $20 | livenation.com
Badfish + Avon
Junkies | April 13 at the Sinclair | $20 | boweryboston.com
Phosphorescent | April 17 at Brighton
Music Hall | $13 | ticketmaster.com
Jim James |
April 26 at Royale | $26 | bboweryboston.com
Ben Rector |
April 26 at the Sinclair | $18 | boweryboston.com
Mykki Blanco |
April 27 at Great Scott | $10 | tticketweb.com
Nails + Xibalba +
Early Graves | May 2 at Great Scott |
$12 | ticketweb.com
Boris | May
4 + 5 at Brighton
Music Hall | $18; $30
both shows | ticketmaster.com
James Blake |
May 8 at the House of Blues | $25-$35 | livenation.com
Paramore + Kitten |
May 15 at the House of Blues | $36.50-$49.50 | livenation.com
Charles Bradley
and His Extraordinaires | May 18 at Paradise Rock Club | $20 | livenation.com
Dispatch + Guster
| June 8 at the Comcast
Center | $27.50-$42 | livenation.com
Atlas Genius |
June 15 at the Sinclair | $15 | boweryboston.com
Fleetwood Mac |
June 21 at the Comcast
Center | $27-$147 | livenation.com
OMD | July
15 at Paradise Rock Club | $20 | livenation.com
On Sale Saturday, February 2
AT 10 AM
New Kids On The
Block + 98 Degrees + Boyz II Men | June 2 + 3 at the TD Garden |
$29.50-$92 | livenation.com
She & Him |
July 10 at the Bank of America Pavilion | $25-$40 | livenation.com