Chris Castellani |
Writer Idol | Host: Chris Castellani
Noon, Mary Norton Hall, Old South Church, 645 Boylston Street
Say you wrote something good — so good, in fact, you want to show it to a literary agent. Don't flip through 2010 Writer's Market, find a few suitable agents, and take it from there. Instead, save the postage, print out the first 250 words of your manuscript, mark the genre clearly on the top, bring it to Writer Idol, and put it in a box. An actor will read your work to a crowd of other aspiring writers and sundry onlookers. A panel of editors and agents will sit there judging you until they hear something that, if they were sitting in their office, would cause them to throw your work in the trash and reach for the form rejection letter. Once they've found three glaring mistakes, the actor will stop reading and the agents and editors will discuss the piece's flaws for all the world to hear. If the actor makes it all the way through the first page, you win the privilege of trying to wrangle a book deal after the show. If any lessons are to be learned from last year's Writer Idol, be sure not to have a protagonist who soils himself in fear or throws up.
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