Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, X-Box Live drama.

Mitch Krpata's review of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 will be up on our site soon enough, but in the meantime, check out his blog post about how much he's enjoying the game's online multiplayer. He's not the only one; Modern Warfare 2 has had an explosive release. In terms of revenue earned, MW2 even beats the U.S. box office record holder, The Dark Knight. Not too shabby. The campaign may be short - but it's also sweet, and it's really the multiplayer that makes the game worth buying.
Unfortunately, X-Box Live has been short a few members lately. And by a few, we mean a million. Turns out that if you mod your X-Box (or even if you haven't?), Microsoft will find out - and cancel your account just in time for Modern Warfare 2's release. Coincidence? Probably not. Apparently there's a class action lawsuit in the works, so hop on the bandwagon if you're one of the victims -- but no promises that Microsoft will particularly care.