LIVE CHAT: Discussion of Lost S6E3 "What Kate Does"
Everybody recovered from the punishing, brain-bending wallop that was last week's two-part Lost premiere spectacular? Ready to get back to the Island, even if it's full of talking dead people and smoke-monsters-made-flesh, and cast-resurrecting alternate universes? Good. Then we hope you can join us for another installment of our live Lost chatjam. Starting at 9pm, we'll be live-commentating upon every new plot mindfuck they heap upon us; and at 10pm, our panel will be discussing What It All Means. And you're all invited to chat right along with us.
Oh, and if you want your Lost-oriented tweets to automatically show up in the live chat, just use the hashtag #bostonlost.
For a taste of what you missed last week, here's a few highlights snagged from the full transcript (for scads of actually insightful commentary, check out the full transcript here).
mattosteen: The Smoke Monster is you, the viewer #Lost (via Twitter)
Boston Phoenix: Yup, NewsCenter 5 just used the breaking-news widget to hype scenes from next week's Lost. Slow news day?
Shaula: Wow ... this opening is pretty "Tales From The Crypt Under the Sea" so far
R. Stewart: That was an amazing reveal that unfortunately resembled the "animated menu" on a ca. 1998 DVD
M. Brodeur: Still not as bad as the Ben Linus "Halls of Medicine" guilt trip.
M. Brodeur: I might need some Anytizers to fuel my brain to process those last 20 minutes.
R. Stewart: Okay, wait a second. There's a timeline now where the Island is at the bottom of the sea and Oceanic 815 lands safely. There's a timeline where the Dharma time-travel gang made it back to post-2004 Island world, but Jacob appears alive and well in that one. And now there's also the timeline where Jacob is dead.
iH8Kate: So there are two Kates now. I am going to die.
Yayaa: LOST: Plane, [Commercial break] Bright Light, [Commercial break] Dead Locke, [Commercial break], Juliet [Commercial break]. #Lost (via Twitter)
M. Brodeur: I can't wait to see Sawyer suckerpunch Snooki.
Barry: Can we not talk about Jersey Shore just now? Like, I mean, there's a place and a time, and I'm not sure if this is it ...
M. Brodeur: That's actually the only Jersey Shore reference I'm capable of making. So you've lucked out.
Barry: You live in an alternate timeline where Jersey Shore's presence is significantly reduced, and I am envious.
HamWithCam: Help Wanted: experienced television drama series writers. Must have track record of turning a complete mess into something interesting. #LOST (via Twitter)