
Bloody BUFF Bites: J. Cannibal presents Tapas of Terror 2010

Horror buffs with a discriminating palate and taste for gore meted out in small, varied portions would do well to check out "Tapas of Terror" tonight at 10 pm at the Boston Underground Film Festival. TOT is the brainchild of one of Boston's most esteemed patron of the (dark) arts, whose particular brand of horror is not for the squeamish. And from the looks of it, Tapas of Terror 2K-10 is shaping up to be a horror melange of a slightly different stripe than last year's orgy of blood-soaked, entrail-laden thrills. It seems that this time around, Cannibal is reaching for a loftier ideal of horror -- one a bit more more psychological than visceral. Not to worry, however; BUFF-goers will still get a heaping helping of guts with their popcorn. Here's a little taste of what you can expect from this year's horror buffet. (Note: If you can't make it tonight, Cannibal wheels out his chuck wagon of carnage once again for an encore presentation on March 29 at 9:45 pm.)

We Gotta Eat
What's scarier than a clown? Almost nothing. What's scarier than a clown painting the face of his victim while crooning about "yum yums" as a prelude to torture? Nothing at all.

Your Friendly Local Butcher
Nothing will turn you into a hegan faster than finding out that your neighborhood meatman starts having specials on human-flesh-burgers. Locavores, indeed.

Direct to Your Door
Infomericals have always struck us as being kind of creepy -- but not as creepy as the people who REALLY LOVE INFOMERICALS. Like this guy.

The Ugly File
The opening footage from this short reminds us of an episode of Are You Afraid of the Dark? (SNICK!) -- and it only gets better (read: more disturbing) from there. A would-be photographer hones his skills snapping portraits of grotesquely deformed children and babies. In bad taste? Kinda. Just the way we like it.

Danse Macabre
The finale of the night, touted by J. Cannibal as a "film that anyone who finds beauty in the dark must see," this French short is a visually alluring (and unsettling) piece about bodies in motion, post-mortem.

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