LO500 High Scores: Top 4 favorite games of Joystiq founder Peter Rojas
week, Engadget/Joystiq/Hackaday/GDGT creator Peter Rojas is
(presumably) taking a break from keyboard-tapping his fingers into
bloody blog-posting nubs to bring us the GDGT road show, where the
tech-inclined can scope out some new gear without having to book a
ticket to CES. While you can expect the likes of TomTom, TiVo, and Boxee
at the GDGT showcase -- which makes its Boston stop at Royale on September 22
-- we hear there's not going to be much in the way of video-game
accoutrements. But that didn't prevent us from getting nosy about Rojas's
favorite games. So we asked him ...
What games should win our Laser Orgy 500 video game battle?
1) Galaga [vote]
"To go really old-school, I'd say Galaga. It's a classic, probably my favorite arcade game."
2) Shenmue [vote]
"An amazing game for the Dreamcast."
3) Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare [vote]
4) Super Mario Bros. [vote]
think you kind of have to put Super Mario Bros. on there. Everyone is
going to say Super Mario Bros., but you kind of have to do it."
What do you think? Play our Laser Orgy 500 battle, as we duke it out to decide the top 500 games of all time.