
808s and page breaks: SFJ shows us how to beatbox with Google Translate

We always knew Sasha Frere-Jones would eventually produce something worthwhile; it was only a matter of time. This morning, the New Yorker's fancy-schmancy "Pop Critic" introduced the Twitterverse to the heretofore untapped musical potential of Google Translate: When using the program's voice function, sequences of strategically placed consonants result in a beatboxish effect. An admittedly frantic and harsh beatbox, sure, but pretty cool nonetheless. You can only get around 100 characters in before the translator cuts off the voice feature, so there's not much to work with.

But hey, you read the Phoenix! You're industrious, creative, and you've probably got a bit of time on your hands. So give it a go! Below are some examples of what works. Make a few jams of your own and show off in the comments.

Beat 1
pv zk bschk zk pv pv bscht pv pv zk bscht zk bscht bscht bscht pv pv zk bscht pv pv zk bsch

Beat 2
zk zk bscht pv zk bscht bscht zk zk zk bscht pv zk zzzzzt

Beat 3
zk pv bschk zk pv bschk bschk zk pv bschk zk pv bschk bschk bschk zk zk zk pv bscht bscht kkkkt

Beat 4
zkkk pv bssscht zk pvvv bsht bscht zkkk pv bssscht zk pv bscht bsssssch
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