DregNog Video Advent Calendar, Day #5: Silent Night, Trippy Night
The holiday season means something different to everyone. Some love to gather with family and friends and sing "Joy to the World" while they
warm themselves by a roaring fire. Others serve Christmas dinner at a
homeless shelter and raise money for the Salvation Army. If you're me,
you hack a few mutants into mincemeat with a rusty machete. And
then there are people like this woman, who apparently celebrates Jesus' birthday by
dropping acid and orgiastically opening her presents on an imitation
linoleum floor. And you won't believe what she does to her dog.
Santa 8000 is the star of an animated web series, in which he must kill
hordes of mutants in order to survive a post-apocalyptic wasteland.
There are 13 webisodes in all, with a new one every week until
Christmas. Each webisode is three minutes or less, and can be found at www.InfiniteSanta.com, where you can also get gory Christmas cards, DVDs, and other holiday merch. Get in the holiday spirit of blood-soaked mayhem!
The DregNog Video Advent Calendar is Laser Orgy's annual celebration of all things strange and festive. Click here to see last year's DregNog archives.