Since its launch in February of 1983 as the East Coast’s fi rst alternative rock station, WFNX has always marched to the beat of a different drummer. Over the years, the station itself has been nominated for — and won — many national awards from its peers in the industry, including four Station of the Year awards by The Gavin Report. All of this in recognition of WFNX’s willingness to take chances and not just cater to the lowest common denominator. Hence the station has been rewarded with an extremely loyal audience. According to Rolling Stone magazine, FNX is “One of ten stations in the country that don’t suck.”
Our listeners are highly desirable to both local and national advertisers. Most are between the ages of 18-39 with a fairly even male/female ratio (55/45). They are young, highly educated adults defi ned by their active lifestyles, high disposable incomes, and desire to be ahead of the curve. They tend to be single or married with no kids, are early adapters, and are usually the “peer infl uencers” in their groups. Turn them on to a new product or service and their friends will follow! And only one station can satisfy their adventurous musical tastes, because there is only one true “alternative” station in Boston and New England: WFNX.
55% male/45% female
61% over $50,000
over 57% college graduates